Youth Programme
Bursaries - Application and Qualifications
The Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Command of the Royal Canadian Legion is pleased to offer Bursaries to students who can demonstrate need of assistance. Awards will be made to Manitoba students who are continuing on to higher education. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
Scholarships are also offered for award to students with the highest average marks. Applicants must provide proof or registration in a school of higher education to pursue studies leading to a degree. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
** When completing the form,
please print clearly and complete all questions.
** The award shall be made by the District Scholarship Committee of The Royal Canadian Legion and its decision shall be final.
The personal information collected is strictly for the use of the Manitoba & NW Ontario Command Bursary Committee to allow them to make their selections. All Information will be treated as confidential and will not be shared, nor sold, nor copied and will be properly destroyed when the committees decisions' are final.